+ 38 (044) 490 63 33+ 38 (096) 690 33 33au.mtr%40mtr


+ 38 (044) 490 63 33+ 38 (096) 690 33 33au.mtr%40mtr


+ 38 (044) 490 63 33au.mtr%40mtr

+ 38 (044) 490 63 33au.mtr%40mtr

Ukrainian Outdoor Advertising by "RTM-Ukraine"

Billboard in Kharkiv, Ukraine

Printing — opaque FrontLit from 115 g/m2


Free-standing carrier. The standard size is 3x6 m (HxW)
3rd format area and beyond in the cities

External illumination. Static ad image

Usually has 2 sides: the "A" does not overlap the counter flow. Side "B" is visible through the oncoming flow of traffic

Ad prism in Kyiv, Ukraine

Printing — opaque FrontLit from 115 g/m2


Free-standing dynamic carrier. The mechanism sets in motion tetrahedrons with blades, which rotates around its axis, alternately show each face. The periodical change of the plot is set

The standard size is 3x6 m (HxW)
The faces of the prism: A1, A2, A3 and B1, B2, B3, where A and B — sides with specified position to the transport stream

3rd format area in the cities. External illumination

6 sheet ad panel in Kyiv, Ukraine

Printing paper — BackLit 150 g/m2 for static carrier and Polypropylene\Polyman 160 g/m2 for dynamic carrier

CITYLIGHT (6 sheet)

Free-standing carrier of small-format. Standard size is 1,2x1,8 m (HxW)

The 1st format area and beyond. Pedestrians are one of the key TA of advertising on city-formats

Internal highlighting. Static and dynamic advertising image (on dynamic carriers)

Modern scrolling billboard in Kyiv, Ukraine

Printing — Polypropylene/Polyman, 160 g/m2


High-tech carrier of middle-format. Standard size is 2,32х3,14 m. 2nd format area

Shows up to 6 images on 1 plane. The interval of turning of the images is 10 and 20 seconds.
Internal illumination with fluorescent lamps

A high level of anti-vandal protection. Production at Ukrainian enterprises of domestic and foreign components

Ad backlight in Kyiv

Printing — cast banner BackLit, 510 G/m2


The advertisement type of Billboard, but with internal illumination with fluorescent lamps. Bright and uniform lighting of the plot

The most popular size of advertising surface is 6x4 m, but there are other sizes: 3x6, 6x3, 2x4, 4x8, 8x4, 3x12 m.

3rd format area of the cities and beyond

Ad arch on the road in Ukraine

Printing - opaque FrontLit, 510 g/m2


Size of the advertising area is 18х3 m. Construction are installed on the highways with intense traffic, the plot is above the roads and is unobstructed. Side "A" and "B" are equivalent in visibility by the audience

An excellent carrier for companies whose products and services can be purchased throughout Ukraine

"Outdoor Ukraine" — the operator of the highway advertising arches net — part of the "RTM-Ukraine". Routes of placement of the arches — M-05, M-03, M-06, H-01

Wallscape in Odess

Printing — opaque FrontLit, 510 g/m2


Advertising construction placed on the back walls of houses, or on the hose-tops. In points with heavy traffic flow

They are often placed on buildings, including those that are being built or repaired. The sizes of the advertising area sometimes reaches the size of the building and depends on its possibilities for placement

This is a big format that makes it easy to reach large number of audience. Appropriate period of advertising is from six months and longer

Transit shelter in Vinnytsia

Printing — BackLit 150 g/m2


One of the leading elements in the line of street furniture. European design, the similar to the design of transit shelters in France, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic and other countries

Transit shelter is made of steel with corrosion-resistant coating, clothed in aluminum profile, covered with an architectural paint that is resistant to damage. For the walls, city lights and indicator panel tempered glass is used

Branding of transit shelters increases the advertising area in some format areas from 4.5 and 8 m2 to 14 m2


Contact us by the info below or fulfill the form, we'll answer you as soon as possible.


03028, Ukraine, Kyiv, 2B, Goryana Str.

Working hours

Monday-Friday: 10.00-18.00


+38 (044) 490 63 33au.mtr%40mtr


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